Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

Flower on Silver Tray.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cat in Blue Batik (WIP)

This is a work in progress.  I was able to get much of it finished yesterday thanks to a quiet Christmas Day spent at home with my husband.  I was listening to Christmas music as I was working.  Lawrence Welk Christmas favourites, would you believe.  Yes, I admit I like Lawrence Welk.  I grew up watching the show every (was it Saturday or Sunday night) with my mother while I was growing up.  I am glad there was so much musical variety on TV back then because being exposed to many different types of music as a child made me appreciate all kinds of music as an adult.

Anyway, getting back to the cat, this blue batik fabric with touches of green is a favourite of mine.  I have a tiny bit left which I will use on some future project.

For the background, I plan to arrange a simple soft pastel patchwork, probably just squares, so it doesn't get overly busy.  So far, so good.  :)

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

This is the image for our Christmas card 2013.  I call it "Snowfall".

My husband and I plan to retire from our business in 2014.  He has been doing genealogical research for himself and family and friends for close to 40 years.  He will be putting that wealth of knowledge and experience to practical use now and do research for clients who are interested in discovering their roots but don't want to do the research themselves.  This will help supplement our pension income.

My plan is to concentrate on my art as close to full time as possible.  After all, I will still be chief cook and bottle washer and gardener and dog pack leader and music student and whatever else, around here.  I do hope to sell some of my work, however, I have recently discovered the concept of abandoned art.  You create something and leave it somewhere for someone to find and keep for themselves it they like it, or pass it on to someone else.  The idea is to leave a little note with it explaining that it's the finder's to keep for free and if they feel so inclined, they can email the artist (me) and share whatever they want to about the "found" piece.

I have several pieces I am working on right now and will be posting pictures as I finish them.  I am developing new techniques which I will experiment on my older pieces first before risking messing up the current ones.  I feel a new spurt of creative energy emerging after not creating any art for over a year.

A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.