Below is a doll I made a few months ago. My sister loved it so much that I gave it to her. She just got around to framing it. My most excellent brother-in-law made the floating frame. The background is an orange linen type of fabric wrapped around and stapled to 3/8" plywood. My BIL went to the fabric store by himself, without my sister's knowledge, and picked out the fabric.
It looks a bit bright because I took the photo outside yesterday. Indoors it's a bit more subdued.
My BIL is going to make a number of frames for me. My sister, who collects paintings, found it quite expensive to have them framed, so BIL makes all the frames now. He has invested in all the necessary precision tools and produces top quality frames. What you see here is only one type of frame that he makes.
Our long time beloved neighbour who has been widowed for four years has decided that the country life without her husband and at her age is too much for her now and has put her house up for sale. We were such good friends with this couple that years ago we removed part of the fence that separates our two properties, allowing us to easily go back and forth between our houses. Now that the "For Sale" sign is out, we thought we had better block off the open section as you never know what the new neighbours will be like. I think there is much truth to the saying "Good fences make good neighbours". After all, the old fence didn't come down until after we had established a solid friendship.
So that's what we did on Saturday. Again, my most excellent brother-in-law did all the measuring and cutting, and hubby and I helped put it up. I give most of the credit to my BIL, as without his help and guidance, we would still be working on it, LOL.
My sister wanted to take a picture of me in her garden yesterday while I was pulling some weeds. She liked the way my green dress blended in with her greenery. So this is what she emailed me this morning, calling the picture "Inga, Guardian of the Rock Garden". This was an obvious dig at me and my recently completed doll. We do have fun, Sis and I. :)

Cute post. Now I see why your dolls, and some cats, are green. You love the earth. As far as the fence goes..yes. You are right. Better to put it up now then leave it down and then put it up after the new people move in. They might be terribly offended.
Sounds like you have a great relationship with your sister. I'm envious. I don't have any sisters.
Also, nice frame that your brother-in-law built.
Your brother-in-law did a grand job!
I know what you mean about neighbours moving on, we have a dear lady next door in her 90's and she keeps a most wonderful garden.
I dread the thought of her going she's so sweet, I only hope if she goes to live with her daughter whoever buys the property will love gardening as much!
You do blend well in your sisters garden, another flower to enhance her pretty garden too
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