If you're working with a printed fabric, one of the first things to do before cutting out your pattern is to determine whether the fabric has a one way or two way design. I layed out the pieces so that the checkerboard stripes would line up at the side seams and did a pretty good job, or so I thought. Somehow, even after studying it closely, I failed to notice that my fabric has a one way design until AFTER I cut both front and back. Fortunately, the design is subtle. You would not notice the mistake unless you were looking for it. Can you see the problem in the top photo?
The second "oops" on this project was bound to catch up with me sooner or later. I ran my sewing machine at lightning speed around the bottom hem, sewing over all the straight pins, except one. I broke the needle and bent the pin in half. This left a nasty hole in the fabric. I should have known better. It's not as if this has never happened to me before.
I wasn't sure how to line up the checkerboard lines on the sleeves so I decided to cut them crosswise. I think the vertical stripes on the sleeves are a nice contrast to the horizontal stripes on the body.
Even with the goofs, I'm pleased with the final result. I like the brown. It's a much earthier shade,not as bright as in the photo.
So this is it - my last project until I get back from my trip. We are leaving tomorrow. If I get a chance to post on my blog while I'm away, I will.
Bon voyage to me.